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Labor calculation for recipes

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2018 3:31 pm
by tobi1449
unfortunately there is a bug in the calculation of the labor costs for recipes.
If a recipe requires multiple items of the same type and you check the recipe for this item, the amount of labor needed is only added once instead of the amount of times you need to craft that recipe for the whole amount of items.
For example here, checking the recipe for sturdy ingots only adds 10 lp, instead of 10*30 lp.
Also it would be great if unchecking a recipe would automatically cause all sub recipes of that recipe to get ignored, e.g. with the above recipe, if you check the recipe for Sturdy Ingots and for Opaque Polish and then uncheck Sturdy Ingots, it should only take the buy price of the Sturdy Ingots and disregard (or uncheck) the recipe for Opaque Polish.

Re: Labor calculation for recipes

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2018 8:24 pm
by Kiriak
Thanks for the report!
Fixed the LP cost and added the auto unchecking of the sub recipes.