ID: 53312
Sealed Baby Mount Egg

Req. Level: 1 ~ icon1
Binds on Pickup
Item level: 1

You can obtain 1 type of the total 24 types of baby Mounts.
You can grow the baby Mount to obtain a normal riding Mount.

- May be purchased from Stabler

Receive one from the following at random
- Yata Calf
- Striped Yata Calf
- Sandmane Snowlion Cub
- Lilyut pony
- Ebony Lilyut pony
- Brown Lilyut pony
- Grey Lilyut pony
- Light brown Lilyut pony
- Red dotted Lilyut pony
- Pure white Lilyut pony
- Whitetail Leomorph Cub
- Browntail Leomorph Cub
- Blacktail Leomorph Cub
- Green Elk Calf
- Violet Elk Calf
- White Elk Calf
- Coalmane Snowlion Cub
- Snowmane Snowlion Cub
- Nightslaver Shoat
- Snowrend Shoat
- Hooftiger Shoat
- Blackscale Pangopup
- Silverscale Pangopup
- Redscale Pangopup

You may only place the baby Mount in Public farm or in your own lot.
All grown normal riding Mounts offer the same performance.

Socket Lunagem:

Open an egg of a baby mount.

Buy price:silver50bronze00
Cannot Sell

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