ID: 1755
icon Signal the Prison
Category: Halcyona

You can only receive this quest when you have completed the following quest(s):
Prison Camp

  • XP 5940
  • Coins silver16bronze19
Quest items

Start NPC: Prison Warden James Wyrdwind
Quest stages:
Go to the top of the Southern Watchtower in the Prison Camp and use the Flare to signal Seareach Prison.Return to Prison Warden James Wyrdwind at the Prison Camp.
End NPC: Prison Warden James Wyrdwind
Quest text:
Prison Warden James Wyrdwind: Drat! Why hasn't the signal flare gone off already?
Prison Warden James Wyrdwind: This is what I get for trusting a Noryette to get something done.
Prison Warden James Wyrdwind: Since you're here, could you go up to the top of the Southern Watchtower and launch this Flare? We need to know when Seareach Prison is sending a boat to collect these prisoners.
Prison Warden James Wyrdwind: There! Now that the flare's been launched, we shouldn't have long to wait until Seareach sends a boat.
Prison Warden James Wyrdwind: Wait... why do you look so worried?
Prison Warden James Wyrdwind: A dead guard, eh? Well today just became a bit more interesting...
Level: 33
Repeat count: 1

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