ID: 3426
icon Gesture of Goodwill
Category: Hasla

You can only receive this quest when you have completed the following quest(s):
Gesture of Good Faith

  • XP 8586
  • Coins silver27bronze76
Quest items

Start NPC: Sollungo
Quest stages:
Bring the Tehmika Medicine Pack to Hashi at the Cursed Village.
End NPC: Hashi
Quest text:
Sollungo: Here--this is a paste made by mixing herbs into the clay. They should use it as a poultice to draw out the sickness. Bring it to Hashi at the Cursed Village.
Sollungo: The Harani would never listen if we brought it ourselves... But Hashi is a mediator for us, so they should trust it if it comes from her.
Sollungo: Although we might not always get along, healing needs to take priority. Please deliver the medicine as soon as you can.
Hashi: So, the Tehmika send another package of medicine, despite the hatred the Harani have shown them.
Hashi: They're such honest people!
Hashi: I'll distribute this to the villagers right away. Thank you for carrying it all the way here.
Hashi: It's good to know there's still compassion in the Tehmika.
Level: 46
Repeat count: 1

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