ID: 7126
icon Traveling on Business
Category: [Race Quest] Crimson Watch

You can only receive this quest when you have completed the following quest(s):
Heading to Halcyona
This quest opens access to following quests:
A Secret in Sun's End

  • XP 5940
  • Coins silver16bronze19
Quest items

Start NPC: Recruiter
Quest stages:
Use the Halcyona Worldgate to travel to Halcyona.
  • Use Halcyona Worldgate (1)
Deliver the coded message to Agent Jakens at the inn in Solisa, Halcyona.
End NPC: Agent Jakens
Quest text:
Recruiter: Here, take this letter to my, ah... "brother" in Halcyona. He should be able to help you with that problem you're working on.
Recruiter: His name is Jakens, and he's currently staying in Solisa. Shouldn't be too hard to find. Good luck on your travels, Player!
Agent Jakens: Who are you? How did you find me here?
Agent Jakens: Ah, a letter? Let's see...
Agent Jakens: I see! We're finally going after the Souleye, are we? Right then.
Agent Jakens: Now I understand my father-in-law’s decision to have you deliver the secret letter. Pleasure to meet you!
Level: 33
Repeat count: 1

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