ID: 7134
icon The Missing Child
Category: [Race Quest] Crimson Watch

You can only receive this quest when you have completed the following quest(s):
Innocents In Danger
This quest opens access to following quests:
Precious Cargo


Start NPC: Kona's Corpse
Quest stages:
Meet Eldris outside the gate to Corinth Hill.
End NPC: 0
Quest text:
It appears Chimera's agents have reached Kona's house before you. With no sign of a second body, you assume her young boy has been taken alive.Eldris: We're too late? Damn it!
Eldris: And if the boy wasn't there... then he's already been taken by Chimera.
Eldris: Soon he'll be force-fed that damned poison, and his "training" will begin. By the time the Aust Followers are done with him, he'll be a mindless Chimera agent just like I was.
Eldris: No! I refuse to let this end.
Eldris: Ayle. The boy's name is Ayle. And we're going to find him.
Eldris: I don't care how long it takes. I'll tear Chimera apart piece by piece if I have to. And wherever I can't go... you'll go for me.
Eldris: I'm sorry to ask this of you, Player. I know I promised you the Souleye, and I know you want it for a noble cause. But it's the only leverage I have to keep you by my side.
Eldris: Together, we will find where Ayle was taken. And just as I was Chimera's weapon, you will become mine.
Eldris: You will be both Ayle's liberation, and the agent of my revenge. Then--and ONLY then--will you be ready to claim the Souleye.
Level: 37
Repeat count: 1

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