ID: 26106
Grell's Journal

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Terdapat pesan diluar bertuliskan, Äku menemukan jurnal Grell, lihatlah isinya sendiri. -Eltere"

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How many years have passed since I left to follow the wind? I crossed over to the realm of death and saw the red abyss. I finally realized once I met him. About the purpose I serve in this realm between life and the afterlife... I write here the story of my life, and the story of living again.

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7-10-2014 23:57

"How many years have passed since I left follow the wind? I saw it. I crossed over to the the realm of death and saw the red abbys. Then, when I met him, it all became clear... I realized the role I must take between the world of the living and the world of the dead.

I now record my life so others may understand."


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