ID: 10043
icon Master of Demons Part 2
Category: Garden of the Gods

You can only receive this quest when you have completed the following quest(s):
Pit Fiend Colander
This quest opens access to following quests:
Returning the Frozen Flame


Start NPC: Tahyang
Quest stages:
Find Anthalon and use the Banishment Stone to force him out of the Garden.Find Anthalon and use the Banishment Stone to force him out of the Garden.Find Anthalon and use the Banishment Stone to force him out of the Garden.Return to Tahyang, tell him that Anthalon's image was banished und show him the Frozen Flame dropped.
End NPC: 0
Quest text:
Tahyang: Our plan worked just as expected. That power greedy bastard was probably attracted by the sheer force your arrows put into his little demon pet.
Tahyang: I had my suspicions who's behind all this and now we know that it is in fact Anthalon. That scum bag has been trailing Gene since he was a small child, no surprise he found a way into the Garden.
Tahyang: Now is not the time to talk though. Take this Banishment Stone and use it to get rid of him. No time for questions, just go! NOW!
Tahyang: What? You already knew Anthalon was behind the demon apperances and that whatever you banished was just his image? I guess I never asked.
Tahyang: But wait a minute... where did you get this Frozen Flame?!
Level: 81
Repeat count: 1

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