ID: 10054
icon Ringing the Bell
Category: Garden of the Gods

You can only receive this quest when you have completed the following quest(s):
Melisara's Orders
This quest opens access to following quests:
Anthalon's Twisted Shadowhawks

  • XP 132620
  • Coins silver69bronze80

Start NPC: Melisara
Quest stages:
Ring the Citadel Bell outside the Shadowhawk Citadel 3 times, to start Melisara's infiltration mission.Return to Melisara in the Delphinad Mirage.
End NPC: 0
Quest text:
Melisara: Here's a quick run down for you, Player: next to the entrance of the Shadowhawk Citadel hangs a bell that's only rung when all members are to immediately gather at the Court of the Hawk for an announcement.
Melisara: It's true that those Shadowhawks you see wandering around are no longer the people they once were... puppets of Anthalon, that serve his orders blindly.
Hayden: Puppets, but with the core of who they once were still left. They will hear the bell ring and instinctively respond by abandoning the Citadel and wandering torwards the Court.
Enshaka: And that's when I, Neops, Terry, Merrat, Hayden and Barbon strike them down. The more of those bastards we kill, the better!
Melisara: Yup, and that's when I and Player will slip into the Citadel to search for any clues that might help us fight Anthalon or reveal what his plans are with the Delphinad Mirage.
Neops: Hold on, Commander. You want this kid to sneak into the Citadel with you?!
Melisara: Kyprosa approves of them and they managed to deliver my orders to all of you, flying solo. Player is plenty capable to accompany me.
Melisara: But if what you've seen so far is not proof enough, how about they fight on your side during the first wave of Shadowhawks that'll come out the Citadel?
Melisara: That alright with you, Player? If so, go and ring the bell outside the Citadel to begin our mission. Everyone else, take your positions!
Melisara: Everything is going according to the plan. The others already took their positions and will catch the first wave of puppets pouring out the Citadel.
Level: 81
Repeat count: 1

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