ID: 3897
icon The Race to Save Ehnoïr
Category: Elf Main

You can only receive this quest when you have completed the following quest(s):
Cultists in Marianople
This quest opens access to following quests:
Under Dahuta's Veil

BaseQuest items

Start NPC: Cantor
Quest stages:
Talk to Ehnoïr in the Abandoned Farmhouse.
End NPC: Ehnoïr
Quest text:
Cantor: I didn't hear much, but it sounded like they were taking him to the abandoned farm over in the Marianople Plantations. You'd better hurry; the Elf that was ordering those Cultists around looked like he meant business.
Cantor: Here, take this Red Sand Pouch before you go. It might help even the odds if you're outnumbered. Throw it in their eyes during a fight, and watch 'em stumble around blind. Good luck!
Ehnoïr: Player? But... Where are the rest of the Eokad?
Deltokin: Your loyal Eokad are quite busy at the moment, Ehnoïr. Off chasing imaginary threats on the other side of the city. Though I am surprised to see you here, Player. I didn't expect Ehnoïr's lapdog to make it this far alone. Deltokin, what have you done? Who are you?
Deltokin: I suppose you should know, before you die. Allow me to introduce Deltokin, Dahuta's Grand Oblate, and blessed hand of the Sea Goddess!
Level: 25
Repeat count: 1

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