ID: 6698
icon A Suspicious Death
Category: [Race Quest] Crimson Watch

You can only receive this quest when you have completed the following quest(s):
Finding Sir Livek
This quest opens access to following quests:
An Emergency Meeting


Start NPC: Secretary Ventinum
Quest stages:
Ask Blue Salt members in Solisa about Manager Trait's death.
Ask Blue Salt members in Solisa about Manager Triat's death.Return to Secretary Ventinum when finished.
End NPC: Secretary Ventinum
Quest text:
Secretary Ventinum: Anyway, without Master Livek's approval I can't possibly send the supplies north to Auroria. Normally I'd just ask the acting manager, but...
Secretary Ventinum: You see, Manager Trait died last week in a tragic carriage accident. As the Blue Salt Secretary I'm not allowed to discuss the details, and I'm sure none of the others will want to speak to you either. Perhaps you should just go?
Tasha: Manager Trait? He was a good man, if a little stern at times.
Tasha: He never fudged the numbers, though. If you made a deal with Trait, you got your money's worth. Unlike that rotten Council...
Secretary Ventinum: Fine, damn it! I admit it. With Livek and Trait both gone, the Blue Salt Brotherhood is floundering. But soon the Council will sort that out. And all this talk of conspiracy and murder is utter nonsense, I assure you!
Pavilion: Psst! I heard you were investigating the death of Manager Trait.
Pavilion: This whole thing stinks worse than a sharkbelly coconut. Why would Trait be driving that fast in the middle of the night? And how was he drunk when everyone knows he never touched the stuff?
Pavilion: I don't think his death was an accident. I think someone orchestrated it, knowing the Blue Salt Brotherhood would be useless with the Council in charge. There's something nefarious at work here, you mark my words.
Mortalis: Look, you can't just keep barging in here like you own the place!
Mortalis: Wait, you're investigating Manager Trait's death? Well it's about damn time! I keep telling people that story about a drunken carriage accident is nonsense. I've never seen Trait drink in my life!
Cashmere: Trait's death? No, I'm afraid I don't know anything.
Cashmere: But with Livek missing and Trait dead, control of the Blue Salt Brotherhood has fallen to the Council. I wouldn't trust those money-grubbing thieves with one gold piece, myself. I hope this gets sorted out soon.
Bellas: It's a shame about mister Trait. He worked so hard for the Blue Salt Brotherhood.
Bellas: We can only hope he's resting with Nui, now.
Level: 52
Repeat count: 1

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