ID: 6705
icon The Golden Ruins
Category: [Race Quest] Crimson Watch

You can only receive this quest when you have completed the following quest(s):
The End of the Line
This quest opens access to following quests:
The Captain's Doubts


Start NPC: Secretary Ventinum
Quest stages:
Teleports you to Golden Ruins using Golden Ruins Teleport Scroll.Go to the Crimson Watch Camp in the Golden Ruins, Auroria. Tell Scout Captain Camaro what happened to the Blue Salt Brotherhood.
End NPC: Scout Captain Camaro
Quest text:
Secretary Ventinum: Council Member Aporia is an Aust Follower? Are you out of your mind?
Secretary Ventinum: I know how you Watchmen mock us. You call us "pencil-pushers" and "money-grubbing merchants." But this is really too much.
Secretary Ventinum: If I were you, Watchman, I'd look for traitors in your OWN ranks! After all, didn't Master Livek disappear inside territory you people supposedly protect?
Secretary Ventinum: Go to the Golden Ruins and look for Livek yourself, why don't you. As for me, I simply cannot waste another minute on this trumped-up nonsense. You will forgive me if I ask you to leave!
Scout Captain Camaro: Welcome, Watchman! What news from the Blue Salt Brotherhood?
Scout Captain Camaro: Aust Followers? Kidnapping? Goodness! Sounds like we've got a busy day ahead of us!
Level: 52
Repeat count: 1

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