ID: 6706
icon The Captain's Doubts
Category: [Race Quest] Crimson Watch

You can only receive this quest when you have completed the following quest(s):
The Golden Ruins
This quest opens access to following quests:
Primary Suspects


Start NPC: Scout Captain Camaro
Quest stages:
Talk to the Scouts in the Crimson Watch Camp in the Golden Ruins.Return to Scout Captain Camaro when finished.
End NPC: Scout Captain Camaro
Quest text:
Scout Captain Camaro: As much as it pains me to consider the possibility of a traitor in our midst, that Blue Salt weasel might have had a point.
Scout Captain Camaro: Livek is the biggest patron of the Crimson Watch. His support is what makes camps like this possible. If he had stepped foot anywhere near this area, my scouts should have told me about it.
Scout Captain Camaro: Let's do one last check, just to be sure. Speak to each scout in this camp, and ask them if they've seen Livek anywhere in the Golden Ruins. Who knows? Maybe his ship was delayed and he only recently arrived.
Scout Kamu: 'Ello Watchman! Somethin' I can help you with?
Scout Kamu: Some Blue Salt bigwigs have gone missing? Nah, sorry. Haven't seen hide nor hair of 'em. Maybe their ship was lost at sea?
Scout Captain Camaro: None of them saw anything? Damn... That means either Livek never arrived, or there's a traitor in our camp.
Scout Yumion: Yes, what can I do for you?
Scout Yumion: Sir Livek was here? That's impossible! If he'd landed anywhere along this coastline one of us would have heard about it. What's this all about?
Scout Urla: You're new to camp, yeah? What's going on?
Scout Urla: Sir Livek, huh? Why would a rich man like him risk his neck exploring the ruins? That place is crawling with Anthalon worshippers! Something doesn't feel right, here.
Level: 53
Repeat count: 1

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