ID: 7127
icon A Secret in Sun's End
Category: [Race Quest] Crimson Watch

You can only receive this quest when you have completed the following quest(s):
Traveling on Business
This quest opens access to following quests:
An Agent in Anarchi


Start NPC: Agent Jakens
Quest stages:
Talk to Haylock in Sun's End, Halcyona.
End NPC: Haylock
Quest text:
Agent Jakens: The Aust Follower informant's name is Amagus. We think he's hiding somewhere here in Halcyona, but he refuses to reveal himself to an actual agent of Nui's Shield.
Agent Jakens: At first we assumed he was just being paranoid. But in the last few weeks, his information has revealed a number of Aust Follower spies within our organization.
Agent Jakens: We have no idea how long the Aust Followers have been active here, or how far up their infiltration goes. Until we've rooted them out completely, none of our usual assets can be trusted.
Agent Jakens: That's why we brought you in to help recover the Souleye. Your battles with the undead have already earned you quite a reputation. It's highly unlikely that you'd be a spy.
Agent Jakens: So, are you ready to get started?
Agent Jakens: If you want to find Amagus, you'll need to reach him through his contact here in Halcyona.
Agent Jakens: Ride west until you reach Sun's End, and look for a man named Haylock. You can usually find him behind the smithy on the northern edge of town.
Agent Jakens: If he thinks you're trustworthy, he'll direct you to Amagus's hiding place.
Haylock: You want to know where the festival is?When is the Harvest Festival?
Level: 34
Repeat count: 1

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