ID: 7132
icon Memory Mender
Category: [Race Quest] Crimson Watch

You can only receive this quest when you have completed the following quest(s):
A Dangerous Antidote
This quest opens access to following quests:
Innocents In Danger

BaseQuest items

Start NPC: Demeter
Quest stages:
Talk to Eldris hiding in the trees behind Haven.
End NPC: 0
Quest text:
Demeter: "Dangerous criminal" my ass. I bet they're the ones that brainwashed him in the first place!
Demeter: Eldris did his best to keep me in the dark once he recovered, but I heard enough while he was still sick to put some of the pieces together.
Demeter: Those "Chimera" guys he's running from are some kind of crazy assassins, right? And they're connected to that Anthalon cult up in Auroria?
Demeter: If I'm even half right, you can't let those murderers get away with this. What Eldris said about them taking children, and... it's just horrible!
Demeter: Here's the antidote Eldris needs. I don't know what you're getting out of all this, but you promise me you're going to stop those Chimera freaks, alright?
Demeter: Now get going. I'll tell the guards you were just here for a love potion or something.
Demeter: Good luck!
Eldris: Demeter was kind to me when she found me in the swamp. Without her help, I might not be here today.
Eldris: But she's right to be careful. If Chimera knew she was helping me, they'd kill her without a thought.
Eldris: Thank you for bringing me the antidote.
Eldris: I'll be honest, I almost don't want to remember all the things I did while I was in Chimera's clutches... But it's the only way to set things right.
Eldris: Let's get this over with.
Level: 36
Repeat count: 1

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