ID: 7137
icon Across the Sea
Category: [Race Quest] Crimson Watch

You can only receive this quest when you have completed the following quest(s):
Gathering Information
This quest opens access to following quests:
A Scented Signal


Start NPC: Clipton
Quest stages:
Talk to Eldris at the top of the eastern airship tower in Golden Fable Harbor, Sanddeep.
End NPC: 0
Quest text:
Clipton: Alright, I think I've figured it out.
Clipton: Whatever these friends of yours were shipping, they sent it over to Haranya. Looks like half the cargo was bound for Rookborne, and the other for Windscour Savannah.
Clipton: By the way, Eldris stopped by while you were gone. He looked... different. Angrier, somehow. Downright scary, to tell the truth.
Clipton: He said he'd be waiting for you at the top of the eastern airship tower, just across the bridge there. You tell him I said to take care, alright? A man can get sick, carryin' that kinda grudge around.
Eldris: So. The Aust Followers sent their latest batch of conscripts to Haranya.
Eldris: And somewhere on that ship, Kona's boy is tied up and desperate, wondering what happened to his mother. Wondering if he'll ever see home again.
Eldris: We must catch up to him before it is too late.
Eldris: I will not have another death on my conscience.
Level: 39
Repeat count: 1

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