ID: 7140
icon The Specialist
Category: [Race Quest] Crimson Watch

You can only receive this quest when you have completed the following quest(s):
A Moving Target
This quest opens access to following quests:
Captives and Coercion


Start NPC: Eldris
Quest stages:
Interrogate Herbalist Gyuseok at the Herbalist Camp in the Perinoor Ruins.
End NPC: Herbalist Gyuseok
Quest text:
Eldris: This "specialist" that Urgal's orders mentioned. He must be the one Chimera uses to drug their new recruits.
Eldris: He has a lot to answer for.
Eldris: Head to the Herbalist's Camp in the Perinoor Ruins, and interrogate this Gyuseok person. Scare him, torture him... I don't care. Just get him to talk. We're catching up to these bastards, I can feel it.
Herbalist Gyuseok: Yes. I've been drugging the kids those bastards bring me.
Herbalist Gyuseok: But you don't understand! I don't have a choice!
Herbalist Gyuseok: You're here about the children, aren't you? I knew this was coming...
Level: 43
Repeat count: 1

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