ID: 8785
icon Judar's Confession
Category: Blue Salt Brotherhood

You can only receive this quest when you have completed the following quest(s):
A Missing Apprentice
This quest opens access to following quests:
A Valuable Hostage

  • XP 8902
  • Coins silver29bronze82

Start NPC: Aruneo
Quest stages:
Talk to Judar in Iona.
End NPC: Judar
Quest text:
Aruneo: He was raving about some sort of fancy dish. It seemed awfully important. He went to Iona, I believe. Maybe you should ask him?
Judar: You're with the Brotherhood? I haven't seen you before... are you new?
Judar: Bah, it doesn't matter. Please, you have to help me. I never wanted to steal Elistine's Memory! The Aust Followers kidnapped my betrothed, and they want the chalice or they'll kill her! I had no choice!
Level: 48
Repeat count: 1

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