ID: 9932
icon Investigating Haven
Category: The King's Dream

You can only receive this quest when you have completed the following quest(s):
Tracking Calleil
This quest opens access to following quests:
Woodhenge Crematorium

  • XP 82536
  • Coins silver37bronze28

Start NPC: Guardian Jorua
Quest stages:
Talk to Hunter Kroa, Haslan, Elgess in Haven, Hellswamp.Talk to Hunter Kroa, Haslan, Elgess in Haven, Hellswamp.Talk to the Crematorium Keeper at the Crematorium south of the Woodhenge Castle in Hellswamp.
End NPC: Crematorium Keeper
Quest text:
Guardian Jorua: Not that I know where he hides anyway, but nothing out of the ordinary awfulness happened here recently, that I recall. Perhaps ask Kroa, Haslan or Elgess too. Nothing slips their watchful eyes.
Hunter Kroa: People looking for Calleil? Not sure about that, but there were 3 outsiders in Haven a couple days ago. They asked me to guide them to the Woodhenge Castle for some coin, but I refused.
Hunter Kroa: No one in their right mind would try to go there. That castle is cursed and covered with death.
Crematorium Keeper: Hello, there. You're looking for a small group of people that might have come by here a couple days ago? I can confirm they came to talk to me here at the crematorium.
Crematorium Keeper: They were investigating the local cults, so I told them all I know about the horrible things that take place at the Woodhenge Castle. I told them not to go there, but they ignored my advice.
Haslan: Hmmm, there were some people asking me to inspect their weapons recently. Apparently they were going to a real dangerous place, but I'm not sure where they were headed.
Elgess: You want to know if I've seen some people looking for that fanatic? Well, there were 3 warriors looking to buy horses from me not long ago.
Elgess: They offered fair prices too, but then they told me they were going to ride to the Woodhenge Castle, so I told them off.
Elgess: I look after each one of my horses from the day they are born. There is no gold in the world that would make me sell them for a suicide mission like that.
Elgess: And I told those warriors to best stay away from the castle too, unless they want to end up in the Crematorium Keeper's oven.
Level: 55
Repeat count: 1

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Hellosmile 19-10-2020 02:00


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