ID: 9936
icon Teleportation Necklace
Category: The King's Dream

You can only receive this quest when you have completed the following quest(s):
Rescue Mission
This quest opens access to following quests:
Stopping the Cultists

  • XP 82536
  • Coins silver37bronze28

Start NPC: Lucarre
Quest stages:
Enter the Lost Gods Portal that appeared after activating the Lost Gods Necklace.
  • Enter the Lost Gods Portal (1)
Lost Gods High Priests appear late in the evening around the Woodhenge Castle and disappear around midnight again.
Defeat a Lost Gods High Priest to collect his Lost Gods Necklace.Activate the Lost Gods Necklace close to Lucarre at the Woodhenge Castle.Talk to Lucarre by the Soundless Lake in Silent Forest.
End NPC: 0
Quest text:
Lucarre: Well met, Player! Please allow me to also introduce my friends Tynem and Clovia. The three of us have been investigating Calleil's recent activities and wish to put a stop to the false prophet.
Lucarre: You may not be a member of the Children of Ipnya, but we are in your debt for rescuing us, so we'd be glad to share any knowledge we possess on the matter with you.
Lucarre: In fact we saw one of his Lost Gods High Priests opening a portal for him not long ago, and if we can manage to secure the portal summoning device, we intend on following him.
Lucarre: The device he used, is a Lost Gods Necklace that all priests of his rank wear. We'd be honored and grateful if you could help us secure one and then perhaps join us, wherever the portal takes us?
Lucarre: Lost Gods High Priests partrol the castle late in the evening and stick around until about midnight.
Lucarre: Silent Forest? By the Mother, I know exactly why Calleil wanted to come here!
Lucarre: Well done! Let's hurry and go through the portal before it disappears!
Level: 55
Repeat count: 1

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Hellosmile 19-10-2020 02:02

Cergx 18-11-2024 03:43

20:00 - 24:00


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