ID: 15596
Scarecrow Garden Design

Binds on Pickup
Item level: 1

Creates a Scarecrow Garden in a Housing Province.
Gardens are a safe place to grow plants, raise livestock, and store trade packs without fear of thieves.

Category: Small Garden
Dimensions: 8m x 8m
Decor Limit: 50 items
Farmhand Capacity: 40

Construction Material
- Lumber (1)

Returned via mail if removed. Return will be delayed 22 hours if the removal is due to unpaid taxes. Caution: ArcheLife is required for installation and tax payment of this item. Can't be sold once built.
Caution: ArcheLife is required for installation and tax payment of this item.

Socket Lunagem:

- Security Deposit: 10 Tax Certificates
- Taxes: 5 Tax Certificates

Pay the security deposit and taxes to place a house. The security deposit equals 2 weekly tax payments, and will be returned when the building is demolished.
(Not returned if the building is removed because of late payments.)

Tax rates increase based on the number of buildings you own per server, as well as local tax rates. Taxes are charged weekly. Can't be placed on severe slopes or obstacles. Any objects within the construction perimeters, including plants and trade packs, will be destroyed.

Buy price:gold 1silver40bronze00
Cannot Sell

Salvageable materials:
- Enchanted Blueprint (1)

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Added by Aelith (31-08-2014)