ID: 1857
icon Rustling Commotion
Category: Villanelle

This quest opens access to following quests:
Caught in the Middle

  • XP 2254
  • Coins silver 4bronze97
Quest items

Start NPC: Ranch Owner Jaun
Quest stages:
Put bridles on the Buffalo at Jaun's Ranch.Return to Ranch Owner Jaun at the ranch entrance.
End NPC: Ranch Owner Jaun
Quest text:
Ranch Owner Jaun: I don't have time to chat right now; I have to get these Buffalo Bridles on the herd right away.
Checkpoint Guard Uji: We need these buffalo restrained; between the thefts and their wild behavior, they've caused nothing but trouble in the area.
Ranch Owner Jaun: I'll take any help I can get right now... I'll even pay you!
Ranch Owner Jaun: My ranch has been here for years, and I've never seen such blatant rustlers like these.
Ranch Owner Jaun: The buffalo aren't very... docile, once they're bridled it will be hard for the thieves to remove it from them.
Ranch Owner Jaun: Excellent! I'll get another delivery of bridles soon. With the herd under control maybe the guards will get off my back.
Level: 24
Repeat count: 1

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