ID: 3167
icon The Woodhenge Keep
Category: Hellswamp

You can only receive this quest when you have completed the following quest(s):
Consulting with Corpses
This quest opens access to following quests:
A Secret Exit

  • XP 6766
  • Coins silver19bronze48

Start NPC: Crematorium Keeper
Quest stages:
Talk to Heiru's Daughter Channing in the Woodhenge Castle.
End NPC: Heiru's Daughter Channing
Quest text:
Crematorium Keeper: I spoke to her a little, before she changed. Her name was Channing, I think.
Crematorium Keeper: She's in the center of the castle, in the ruined keep. If you hurry, you might still be able to save her!
Heiru's Daughter Channing: The... the mean monsters are dead? I can finally go home?
Level: 37
Repeat count: 1

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