ID: 3473
icon The Secret Location
Category: Firran Main

You can only receive this quest when you have completed the following quest(s):
To Villanelle
This quest opens access to following quests:
Meeting Nalyn

  • XP 44000
  • Coins silver 5bronze28

Start NPC: Oshion
Quest stages:
Talk to Sudeya.
End NPC: Sudeya
Quest text:
Oshion: So close, yet still so far. Our headquarters are down the road, over the bridge on your left. Please check in with Sudeya on your way. We have to ensure the Souleye stays safe.
Sudeya: You've reached the safety of our compound! At last! The Souleye will once again be guarded by those who've kept it safe for centuries. ...I assume you've enhanced security since it was stolen.
Level: 25
Repeat count: 1

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