ID: 3476
icon Shadows in the Light
Category: Firran Main

You can only receive this quest when you have completed the following quest(s):
The Souleye's Return
This quest opens access to following quests:
The Last Spirit Returns

  • XP 38000
  • Coins silver 5bronze28

Start NPC: Nalyn
Quest stages:
Find the Fleeing Grell on the third floor of the Inn.Talk to Grell.Follow Grell to the third floor and ask what's going on.
End NPC: 0
Quest text:
Nalyn: Grell, step back in the Souleye's light. I saw your face just now--you looked... dead. Who are you? What's going on?
Grell: I am the one who foresees the new order. Who understands the power of death and the futility of life. The one who drinks blood and bleeds shadows. I am a devoted servant of Anthalon, and I will clear his path into this world!
Nalyn: Now we just need to raise the magic wards that protect the jewel. Everyone, join hands--wait a moment--
Grell: Your time has ended. This world will be made anew. He is coming! Steaming lumps of oozing flesh will be all that remain of your 'glory'!
Nalyn: No! He's using the Souleye to open some kind of portal! We have to raise its wards; Player, stop him! Grell, how could you? What have you done?
Transformed Grell: My poor little pawn. Must I explain everything? I hired the Shadowhawks to steal the Souleye, but they betrayed me and sold it to a higher bidder. Seeing your potential, I used you to steal it back... only to find those fools hadn't taken the keystone!
Transformed Grell: But now... now I will set things right. And it starts with the great Enshaka, Anthalon's high commander! Champion of Carnage, by the Souleye's power, I welcome thee to the new world!No! I won't let you do this. Not in my name, and not while breath still fills my lungs.
Level: 25
Repeat count: 1

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