ID: 7139
icon A Moving Target
Category: [Race Quest] Crimson Watch

You can only receive this quest when you have completed the following quest(s):
A Scented Signal
This quest opens access to following quests:
The Specialist


Start NPC: Eldris
Quest stages:
Enter Windscour Savannah.
Find Urgal's Secret Orders in Firetalon.Find Urgal's Secret Orders in Firetalon.Enter Windscour Savannah.
Follow the path to Windscour Savannah.Find Eldris in the large baobab tree just south of Firetalon.
End NPC: 0
Quest text:
Eldris: I've managed to scout out these mines, and it doesn't look like Ayle is being held here. I'm going to move on to Windscour Savannah.
Eldris: However, I know you have your own agenda. Clear out this filth pit if you must, but when you're finished I need you to head south.
Eldris: There is a Chimera operative in Windscour who goes by the name of Urgal. Last I heard, he was working undercover in the Firetalon Tribe.
Eldris: If any new Chimera conscripts were sent through the region, Urgal would know.
Eldris: I can't get anywhere near the Firran camp without being spotted by their scouts. You'll need to handle this one yourself.
Eldris: Go to the Firetalon Tribe, confront Urgal, and find out what he knows about Ayle's whereabouts.
Eldris: I'll be waiting in one of the large baobab trees just south of the village.
Eldris: So Ayle was moved again already. It seems we're always one step behind!
Level: 41
Repeat count: 1

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