ID: 10022
icon A Skyfin's Senses
Category: Garden of the Gods

You can only receive this quest when you have completed the following quest(s):
Fighting Kyrios' Minions
This quest opens access to following quests:
Infusing the Barrier Crystals


Start NPC: Quilla
Quest stages:
Use the Tamed Falls Skyfin to find dying Ametrine Ore at the Shattered Strand and collect it.Deliver the Fading Energy harvested from the Dying Ametrine Ore to Aranzeb at the Drifting Enclaves.
End NPC: 0
Quest text:
Quilla: To be honest, I was a little distracted trying to safe this Skyfin mother and her young, so I wasn't able to gather what the Elf asked for. Did he tell you about his Barrier Crystals?
Quilla: According to him, they absorb the Fading Energy of dying Ametrine Ore and concentrates it to a power so strong, it will vanish the demons lurking around the Genesis Glade, once released.
Quilla: The trouble is, with the demons harvesting the ore en masse, there is not enough natural occuring energy to fuel the Barrier Crystals on their own. I was supposed to go out with one of our tame Skyfins and try to gather it.
Quilla: You see, dying Ametrine Ore changes its color and looks like ordinary rock by the time it's in the right state to harvest for the Elf's crystals, but Skyfins don't rely on their sight when it comes to the ore, they can sense it.
Quilla: I really can't leave these poor Skyfins on their own right now, but perhaps you can give it a try? I'll tell the tame one to go with you and help you.
Quilla: Here... with this Tamed Falls Skyfin's help, you should be able to locate some of the Fading Energy at the Shattered Strand.
Mysterious Elf: There you are, and you brought a great amount of the Fading Energy I requested from Quilla. I'm glad to see she managed to gather it.
Mysterious Elf: Aranzeb
Level: 81
Repeat count: 1

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