ID: 10159
icon United We Fight
Category: Garden of the Gods

You can only receive this quest when you have completed the following quest(s):
Demon Flora
This quest opens access to following quests:
Sowing Bodies

  • XP 132620
  • Coins silver69bronze80

Start NPC: Kyprosa's Light
Quest stages:
Infuse Kyprosa's Light with Tahyang's arcane energy at the Frost Fangs in Celestia.
This quest can only be completed if specific faction quests have been completed beforehand.Listen to Kyprosa and Tahyang's conversation at the Frost Fangs, in Celestia.
This quest can only be completed if specific faction quests have been completed beforehand.
End NPC: 0
Quest text:
Tahyang: What is this bright light?
Tahyang: Is this Kyprosa trying to reach out to us? Quick, help me channel my power into her light.
Tahyang: It really is you. It has been a long time, my friend.
Tahyang: Player, be on your best behavior, she is the Gatekeeper of the Garden.
Kyprosa: It is good to see you again, dearest Tahyang. I see you have returned to Celestia.
Tahyang: Aye, there's a lot of stuff happening here and the Faries mean well, but they don't know what theyre doing.
Tahyang: But first, let me introduce this kid here I found planting flowers with the Faries...
Kyprosa: Player, I know. How do you think a mortal made it into the Garden of the Gods? I invited them and let them pass through the gate.
Tahyang: But... if Player came through the hall... how come you're still on the throne?
Kyprosa: I didn't summon them to take my place. Player is the Champion of the Mother and is here to help us save the Garden of the Gods.
Tahyang: Meaning no offense, but you're telling me Thiol picked a flower peddler as her champion?
Kyprosa: Player is a hero of many battles back on Erenor and is the Chosen One of the Hiram, far from a mere flower peddler.
Tahyang: Alright, so you're visiting to tell me that?
Kyprosa: I've come to tell you that Player will play a key part in our battles to come and to lend them as much of your wisdom about Celestia as you can.
Tahyang: Sure, if that is all you want, consider it done.
Kyprosa: It's not exactly all I wanted to ask of you...
Kyprosa: I was wondering if you would mind sticking around a bit longer this time.
Tahyang: Stick around?
Tahyang: You know I'm a wanderer and I don't do well remaining in one place for too long.
Tahyang: But I guess if it's that important to you... what do you want me to do while I'm here?
Kyprosa: I want you to promise, that when the time comes, you won't question my actions and heed my call.
Tahyang: Heed your call without asking questions? Should I be worried about what's going on in that pretty head of yours?
Tahyang: You know I love your sister like she's my own, but I will not sacrifice my honor for blind loyalty.
Kyprosa: I would never ask anything that could bring dishonor to you, Tahyang. You know me better than that.
Tahyang: I will stick around until you call for me, but whether I will follow your lead or not will remain decision.
Tahyang: Sounds to me like you're trying to get the band back together. Any word from Aranzeb?
Tahyang: I know he likes lurk around Elysium. Maybe the trees and plants remind him of his home in Gweonid or something.
Kyprosa: Yes, I already talked to Aranzeb and he offered his aid and wisdom in the fights to come.
Kyprosa: You know who we will be facing, right?
Tahyang: Aye, Gene and whatever henchmen he dragged along for the ride. Like I said, my decision in the end, but I will at least be around to hear you out.
Kyprosa: That is all I could hope for. Thank you, Tahyang.
Level: 81
Repeat count: 1

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