ID: 3159
icon Stop the Ritual
Category: Hellswamp

You can only receive this quest when you have completed the following quest(s):
The Keeper of the Dead

  • XP 6766
  • Coins silver19bronze48
Quest items

Start NPC: Crematorium Keeper
Quest stages:
Use the Flamingo Blood on the Vessel for the Lost Gods in Woodhenge Castle.
  • Vessel for the Lost Gods (1)
Return to Engineer Isus at the Trieste Acting Troupe Camp.
End NPC: Engineer Isus
Quest text:
Crematorium Keeper: Oh, don't look so surprised! The cultists plotted for months trying to find a way to trick someone into activating those machines. And now that you've done it, their ritual can finally begin.
Crematorium Keeper: But nobody minds the poor crematorium keeper, you know. I've been all over that horrible castle of theirs, and I think I've picked up a thing or two that might help.
Crematorium Keeper: The cultists' ritual is meant to summon Lost Gods into a pure vessel: the body of one of the young girls they've captured. But it is a delicate process, and it can easily go wrong.
Crematorium Keeper: Pour this Blessed Blood onto the girl during the ritual, the Lost Gods will be trapped in her mortal body for a brief time. Then you must strike, friend, and strike true... because it will be your one chance at averting this disaster.
Engineer Isus: The Cultists were stopped? Thank the goddess. I'm sorry about the girl, of course. But if what the Crematorium Keeper said is true, you prevented a far greater disaster through your actions.
Engineer Isus: It's strange... We came here looking for a story to add to our plays. But more than anything, I just want to forget ever having seen this place. Goddess guide you, friend.
Level: 37
Repeat count: 1

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