ID: 6215
icon The Hidden War
Category: Crimson Watch

You can only receive this quest when you have completed the following quest(s):
The Final Test


Start NPC: Drillmaster Raysen
Quest stages:
Report to an Ayanad Disciple outside the Ayanad Library in Diamond Shores.
End NPC: 0
Quest text:
Drillmaster Raysen: Actually, I'm glad you came when you did. While we were busy keeping the Crimson Army from the Auroran settlements, it seems another battle has started right beneath our noses: the fight for the Ayanad Library.
Drillmaster Raysen: Anthalon has sent some of his best agents into the library in an attempt to gain control of its magic before we can study it. If he succeeds, it would be a great blow to our efforts to reclaim this land.
Drillmaster Raysen: I want you to meet with the Ayanad Disciples, and help them gain control of the library through any means necessary. Defeat any Crimson Army forces you find within its halls, and claim its magic for your own. Ah good, Raysen said he would send someone to help us. You must be part of the Crimson Watch, then? This is the Ayanad Library. Once, it was the greatest library on Auroria. Its halls were filled with magical tomes of all kinds, and protected by the land's most powerful mages. People came from all over the world to study here. But then Kyrios appeared, and his Crimson Army along with him. And when he sent his forces to sack the library, a terrible accident occurred. Our researchers have been trying to decipher the exact nature of the problem, but the best we can tell is something within the library's defensive enchantments went horribly wrong. Everyone who was inside the library on that day... they're all still alive. Still fighting each other. Like no time has passed at all! We've tried to communicate with them, but to no avail. Both sides attack us mindlessly, like men possessed. And in the meantime, the library crumbles and rots around them. Clearly this is no longer a place for scholars. We need talented warriors to help us reclaim this place, and to discover what went wrong here all those years ago. Will you join us, and help unravel the secrets of the Ayanad Library? Here, Drillmaster Raysen asked me to give you these items before you enter. They are imbued with powerful magic which will help you on your mission. Just don't waste them, okay? Once you run out of these, you'll have to find more on your own.
Level: 51
Repeat count: 1

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