ID: 8783
icon A Missing Apprentice
Category: Blue Salt Brotherhood

You can only receive this quest when you have completed the following quest(s):
A Badge of Honor
This quest opens access to following quests:
Judar's Confession

  • XP 8586
  • Coins silver27bronze76

Start NPC: Grandmaster Carpenter Harribian
Quest stages:
Ask Neri about Suar's disappearance.Question Aruneo in the Dry Reservoir Camp, Karkasse Ridgelands.
End NPC: Aruneo
Quest text:
Grandmaster Carpenter Harribian: You remind me of my favorite apprentice, Suar. She was a real fan of Ishvaran furniture, and totally dedicated to bringing its unique style into the west.
Grandmaster Carpenter Harribian: But she disappeared recently, without so much as a note. I'm worried about her.
Grandmaster Carpenter Harribian: You've completed your training here, and should move on through the portal to the Karkasse Ridgelands. But before you do, can you do me a favor?
Grandmaster Carpenter Harribian: Suar's friend Neri is still in Hasla, and usually hangs around the portal. Could you ask him if he knows what happened to her?
Neri: Suar? The last time I saw her, she was being dragged through the portal to Karkasse Ridgelands by that strange masked man. Wait... Didn't the guards tell you all this?
Neri: Those liars! They promised me they were looking into it! Please, you have to go after her. Everyone else is too afraid because of how dangerous the Ridgelands are, but you look like a warrior. I know you can save her!
Aruneo: Another Blue Salt Brotherhood member? There sure are a lot of you about lately.
Aruneo: You mean you don't know?
Aruneo: One of your guild members came through here not long ago. He was asking about a masked stranger and a Harani girl. He seemed quite upset about it.
Level: 46
Repeat count: 1

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