ID: 9787
icon To Honor a Sacrifice
Category: Hereafter Rebellion

You can only receive this quest when you have completed the following quest(s):
Final Words
This quest opens access to following quests:
Eanna's Ceremony

  • XP 82536
  • Coins silver37bronze28

Start NPC: Guard Post Officer
Quest stages:
Talk to Marian Noryette at the Golden Fable Harbor in Sanddeep.Meet with Marian Noryette at Eanna's memorial ceremony at the Hereafter Gate in White Arden.
End NPC: 0
Quest text:
Guard Post Officer: Summon Marian Noryette to see the entire conversation, or press G to accept the quest anyway.
Player, I don't know what exactly you did there, but you managed to get those Crimson bastards to retreat. Well done!
Marian Noryette: There you are! You did great Player and my theory seems to have worked. I didn't spot any other eyes.
Guard Post Officer: Eyes? Do tell what those eyes are you are talking about? I have not seen any myself.
Marian Noryette: Oh that is hopefully all part of the past now. Did you get Eanna's Crate from the altar, as I ordered?
Guard Post Officer: Yes, Lady Marian! My men pushed their way through and retrieved the box you asked for.
Guard Post Officer: I will have it delivered to your meeting spot in Sanddeep at once.
Marian Noryette: Well done and thank you for your help. Player, let's regather at the usual spot with our friends.
Marian Noryette: Hey Player, glad you made it. I started telling everyone about the emotional encounter you had in the Hereafter Rebellion.
Eltere: Yeah it sounds pretty wild. You saw Lucius and Eanna talk, huh? What were they saying?
Belion: I don't think you should tell us, Player. Whatever you saw must have been very personal and it is not your story to tell.
Marian Noryette: I agree with Belion on this. Sorry my dear Player, I hope the burden is not too heavy to carry on your own.
Marian Noryette: From the little bit you told me though, it must have been a quite painful memory. I hope Lucius is ok.
Mikaella Ynga: Whatever you saw must have happened forever ago though. You don't think he's moved on by now?
Marian Noryette: You are one to speak about "moving on". You of all should understand what he must feel like.
Mikaella Ynga: I didn't mean it that way, no need to hiss at me! I can tell you one thing though: If it were me, I wish people would remember them.
Belion: You have a point there, kid. While all of us certainly know who the Goddess Nui is, barely anyone remembers Eanna.
Mikaella Ynga: Yes, it was Eanna who saved all those people from certain death. Her kind heart and caring soul did that, not some magical power she got from the Garden.
Marian Noryette: So what do you suggest we do?
Mikaella Ynga: We should hold a ceremony for her, to celebrate her life and honor her sacrifice.
Mikaella Ynga: That is what I would wish for my father too. For people to remember him as the genius he was and all he did for the greater good of our people.
Eltere: Well, you got me all choked up. I say we do it!
Marian Noryette: It sounds like a lovely idea, Mikaella, but we should ask Lucius' permission first. If he agrees, we should do it!
Crown Prince Isan: For once, I think I might actually agree with you all. To honor her sacrifice is a wonderful gesture.
Crown Prince Isan: If Lucius allows us to hold this ceremony, my ambassadors and I would be honored to come pay our respects.
Eltere: I can talk to Mahra Nahvi and ask for our tribe to attend the ceremony as well.
Eltere: We as people disagree on many things, but this cause we can all support.
Belion: Our kin honors our ancestors and many will want to honor her as well. I will inform Ehnoïr about our plan.
Cook Kurt: And I will prepare a proper feast for it! Any dietary restrictions?
Marian Noryette: Thank you, Kurt. I'm sure whatever you prepare will be delicious as always. I will see that you are supplied with all ingredients needed.
Marian Noryette: And as soon as Lucius gives us his blessing, I will have a word with my father, to see if he can invite the King.
Marian Noryette: I will send an envoy to invite Queen Amarendra as well. Everyone should be welcome to come celebrate Eanna.
Marian Noryette: I think we're all set, Lucius. Are you ready?
Lucius Quinto: As ready as I'm going to be. I failed to tell you so far, Marian, but... thank you.
Level: 55
Repeat count: 1

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