ID: 9937
icon Stopping the Cultists
Category: The King's Dream

You can only receive this quest when you have completed the following quest(s):
Teleportation Necklace
This quest opens access to following quests:
Troubling News

  • XP 82536
  • Coins silver37bronze28

Start NPC: Lucarre
Quest stages:
Talk to Tynem, who is tracking Calleil around the Soundless Lake.Return to Lucarre and tell him what Tynem saw.
End NPC: 0
Quest text:
Lucarre: A common misconception, is that a lot of these cults follow Calleil and see him as their prophet. Some even call him a God, but in truth all his followers are simply worshippers of the Akasch.
Lucarre: Calleil just happens to be one of their most devoted and successful servants. He's here in Silent Forest, because this is where a sacred sealstone is located. The sealstone protects all of Haranya from this ancient evil.
Lucarre: Haje warned us in a prophecy, that if the sealstones placed around Erenor were broken, the Akasch would be unleashed into the world again and devastate everything we hold dear.
Lucarre: Under the leadership of Calleil, the cultists already managed to break the sealstone in the Howling Abyss on Nuia.
Lucarre: We have to put a stop to him, before he gets anywhere close to the sealstone here in Silent Forest! Go find Tynem and see if he picked up Calleil's trail.
Tynem: Player! You arrived just a moment too late.
Tynem: I didn't manage to pick up Calleil's trail yet, but I followed some serpent tracks and found a group of worshippers performing some sort of ritual here.
Tynem: I don't know if the ritual was completed, but the moment they spotted me, they all took their own lives. We must tell Lucarre about this!
Lucarre: Tynem found some cultist performing a ritual? That can't mean anything good. Let's hope he interrupted them, before the ritual was completed.
Level: 55
Repeat count: 1

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Hellosmile 19-10-2020 02:02


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