ID: 30297
Cactus Seed Bundle

Syarat Level: 1 ~ icon1
Item level: 1

Plants a bundle of cactus seeds to produce a large quantity of cactus that can be harvested in a single action. Grows faster and lives longer in suitable climates.

Vocation: Gathering
Category: Flower
Matures in approx. 22 h 51 m
Climate: Arid
Farmhand Capacity: 8
Acquire from a Farmer's Workstation

If placed outside protected land, it will eventually become public property.

Socket Lunagem:

Gunakan dengan klik-kanan.
Dapat diletakkan di tanah dengan klik-kiri.

Menghabiskan 5 Labor jika tidak ditempatkan di lahan pribadi.

Harga Tokobronze 0

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