ID: 26968
Noble Blessings Feast Table

Req. Level: 1 ~ icon1
Item level: 1

Cast Time: 3 seconds
Cooldown: 30 seconds

Vocation: Cooking
Workbench: Regal Cooking Tools

Socket Lunagem:

Creates a feast table laden with fine food.
Increases Health +2100, increases PvE Skill Damage +4%, decreases PvE Received Damage -3.5% for 30 minutes. Allows you to select one of the 4 additional effects:
Spicy Blessed Barbecue
- Increases Melee Attack +47
Rich Blessed Barbecue
- Increases Ranged Attack +47
Tender Blessed Barbecue
- Increases Magic Attack +47
Succulent Blessed Barbecue
- Increases Healing Power +47
The table itself holds 10 servings and lasts 1 hour.
Only one food effect can be active at a time.

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