ID: 48982
Fairy Wings

Req. Level: 1 ~ icon1
Binds on Pickup
Rem. Time: 0 h0 m
Item level: 1

A beautiful set of wings borrowed to you by the Fairies.

Air Speed: Very High
Cruising Ability: High
Sheering Speed: Very High
Ascension: Very High
Special Skill: Dissemination
Special Note: Press S or hold the down arrow to stay airborne longer.
Increases glide speed 50% for 5 seconds after Ascending.

Socket Lunagem:

Equip a magithopter to use Free Glide.
You can only use glider skills while airborne, and will be knocked off your glider if you are struck by an effect that prevents movement. Gliding disables Parry, Evasion, and Shields; increases Received damage +50%.

You can't carry another trade pack.

Shop Pricebronze 0

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