ID: 10013
icon To Elysium
Category: Garden of the Gods

You can only receive this quest when you have completed the following quest(s):
Kyprosa's Plea
This quest opens access to following quests:
The Source of Power

  • XP 132620
  • Coins silver69bronze80

Start NPC: Kyprosa
Quest stages:
Move to the Gates of Seasons within the Gatekeeper Hall and travel through the Secret Grotto Door.Talk to Tori at the Secret Grotto in Elysium.
End NPC: Tori
Quest text:
Kyprosa: The Secret Grotto is within an area called Elysium. It preserves the beauty of fall, but Kyrios allowed one of his highest ranking commanders to enter the Garden.
Kyprosa: This commander then started to summon foul creatures into Elysium, who are slowly but surely destroying all that is good. When you are ready, please head through the Secret Grotto Door and talk to Tori.
Kyprosa: I will grant you the power to enter the Garden of the Gods through the Gates of Seasons. Friends of mine will already be waiting for you in the Secret Grotto.
Tori: Look, Trisa! It's another human. Hello there, I am Tori! You must be this Champion the Gatekeeper was talking about.
Level: 81
Repeat count: 1

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