ID: 10040
icon Infinite Snow
Category: Garden of the Gods

You can only receive this quest when you have completed the following quest(s):
Sowing Bodies
This quest opens access to following quests:
Enhancing an Arrow

  • XP 132620
  • Coins silver69bronze80

Start NPC: Tahyang
Quest stages:
Collect some of the Infinite Snow at the Frost Fangs in Celestia.Deliver the Infinite Snow to Tahyang at the Frost Fangs in Celestia.
End NPC: 0
Quest text:
Tahyang: Look, I appreciate the gesture, but I'm not a flower kind of guy. Planting is your thing, so why don't you hold on to them?
Tahyang: Oh, you thought I was going to research them or something? Nah, sorry bud, I don't know much about botany, but I do know about the snow in Celestia.
Tahyang: Over the past hundreds of years, I kept coming back here to work with the infinite ice and snow this Garden produces. It has... sounds silly, but it's true... magic powers.
Tahyang: If you help me gather some, I'll show you what I'm talking about. Can I count on your help?
Tahyang: That's a good amount of snow. Alright bud, ready to see the literal magic happen?
Level: 81
Repeat count: 1

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