ID: 3491
icon Serving Duty
Category: Firran Main

You can only receive this quest when you have completed the following quest(s):
Cutting the Code
This quest opens access to following quests:
Familiar Faces

BaseQuest items

Start NPC: Valdomero
Quest stages:
Serve Buffalo Stamina Potions to Shadowhawks in the tavern downstairs and to Johevan on the second floor.Return to Valdomero on the second floor of the Shadowhawk tavern.
End NPC: Valdomero
Quest text:
Valdomero: Still you linger. I give credit for determination. But Shadowhawk life can be messy, or even degrading. For a taste of what apprentices can expect, serve up some Buffalo Stamina Potion to our more elite. And to my friend, Johevan.
Nimble Shadowhawk: I work my fingers to the bone for these yata-lovers, and this is the only payment I get. A Buffalo Stamina Potion to make me work even harder. You're crazy to want to join us.
Tough Shadowhawk: Valdomero sending recruits around for chores again?
Tough Shadowhawk: I don't normally drink these things--they make me jittery--but I'll make a good show of pretending. Just tell Valdomero it went right down the hatch.
Johevan: Oh, Buffalo Stamina Potion! It better be cold this time.
Beriah: Why don't I get any? How can I work throughout the night without it? I thought my apprenticeship ended!
Valdomero: Acting as barmaid suits you. I came here for a reason, and I'll do whatever it takes. And it's good to get to know people for when you finally hire me as a Shadowhawk.
Valdomero: You really are starting to impress me, Player. I value determination and humility.
Level: 16
Repeat count: 1

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