ID: 4122
icon Red's Riders
Category: Lilyut Hills

This quest opens access to following quests:
Take to the Sky


Start NPC: Mercenary Grills
Quest stages:
Collect Dwarven Machine Parts from Machine Parts Boxes in the Bear Mountain Bandit Camp.Deliver the Dwarven Machine Parts to Engineer Red on Bear Mountain.
End NPC: Engineer Red
Quest text:
Mercenary Grills: We were planning on hitting the Bear Mountain Bandits using our gliders, but they snuck into our camp during the night and made off with some essential parts.
Mercenary Grills: We can't mount a decent offensive without those Dwarven Machine Parts. It's the only thing that keeps the gliders stable during a bombing run.
Mercenary Grills: If you want to help us get rid of the bandits, you'll need to search their camp and bring back our stolen Dwarven Machine Parts.
Mercenary Grills: Get those parts to Red, at our camp at the top of the hill, and we'll bomb the rest of those bastards right off the mountainside!
Engineer Red: Wait, those are our missing glider parts! Excellent! We'll have our gliders ready for combat in no time, now.
Engineer Red: Here. You deserve a glider of your own, since you risked your neck for us. I'll even throw in a manuscript about the things for when you get a spare moment.
Engineer Red: You'll need to practice before you get the hang of it, of course. But for now, sit back and watch the masters at work!
Level: 12
Repeat count: 1

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