ID: 5538
icon Fortune-Telling Favor
Category: History and Lore

You can only receive this quest when you have completed the following quest(s):
Mahra's Introduction
This quest opens access to following quests:
Future's Vision

  • XP 9422
  • Coins silver31bronze97
Quest items

Start NPC: Mahra Ahnon
Quest stages:
Take the Bitter Root to Engual, who's in training at the Hermit's Valley in Rookborne Basin.Take the Bitter Root to Engual, who's in training at the Hermit's Valley in Rookborne Basin.
End NPC: Engual
Quest text:
Mahra Ahnon: The item you need is sacred. We don't often let outsiders see it, let alone touch it. Just because you've done Mahra Nahvi a favor, doesn't mean that I owe you a thing.
Mahra Ahnon: However, I do need a favor. I don't particularly want anyone from my tribe to know about it, so I suppose you could help. Find Engual in Hermit's Valley.
Mahra Ahnon: Take him this Bitter Root. He must be as gray as a faded raindrop by now. He'll know what the item means.
Engual: Mahra Ahnon sent this, you say? Hah! I may be too old to ride my snowlion, but I'm not too old to forget what this root is for.
Engual: There's only one ritual this root is used for. Fortune-telling. Many look down on it nowadays, laugh at it, but Mahra Ahnon still takes it quite seriously.
Level: 50
Repeat count: 1

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