ID: 6696
icon Broken Supply Lines
Category: [Race Quest] Crimson Watch

You can only receive this quest when you have completed the following quest(s):
The Final Test
This quest opens access to following quests:
Finding Sir Livek


Start NPC: Drillmaster Raysen
Quest stages:
Talk to the Secretary Ventinum of the Blue Salt Brotherhood in Solisa, Halcyona and request an audience with Livek.
End NPC: Secretary Ventinum
Quest text:
Drillmaster Raysen: Watchman Player! You've been to Halcyona, right? Do you think you could help me with something?
Drillmaster Raysen: As an international coalition, we receive our supplies and equipment from the Blue Salt Brotherhood. But our latest shipment hasn't arrived, and we're quickly running out of food.
Drillmaster Raysen: Could you travel to Halcyona, find the Blue Salt Headquarters in Solisa, and confront Sir Livek about the delay?
Drillmaster Raysen: You'll probably have to go through his secretary, first. Be diplomatic if possible, but you have my full permission to knock those snooty little pencil-pushers around if you have to. We've got recruits to feed up here!
Secretary Ventinum: Ah, a member of the Crimson Watch! Always a pleasure to speak with someone from the front lines.
Secretary Ventinum: Do you really fight monsters all day? How exhausting!
Level: 52
Repeat count: 1

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