ID: 8537
icon Friends and Acquaintances
Category: [Race Quest] Crimson Watch

You can only receive this quest when you have completed the following quest(s):
No Man Left Behind
This quest opens access to following quests:
Reclaiming Reedwind


Start NPC: Vice-Captain Armas
Quest stages:
Use Reedwind Essence to help complete a Haje's Tower construction.Talk to Brendel in Reedwind.
End NPC: Brendel
Quest text:
Vice-Captain Armas: Unfortunately, we still have a mission to complete. If you're going to interview Sebath's acquaintances, you'll need to pitch in and help make up for the lost time.
Vice-Captain Armas: We’re putting our focus on building Haje's Tower to put a stop to the evil Thunderwing Titan. Since this is an urgent matter, please go help building Haje's Tower at once, and go see Brendel afterwards.
Vice-Captain Armas: If you can kill some of the local monsters, and collect enough Reedwind Essence to contribute to the tower's construction, I'm sure Brendel would be grateful enough to stop and talk to you.
Brendel: Ho there! I saw you helping out with that tower across the way. Thanks for that.
Brendel: But you're not one of the local recruits. What brings you here, Watchman?
Level: 55
Repeat count: 1

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