ID: 8760
icon Testing the Waters
Category: Blue Salt Brotherhood

You can only receive this quest when you have completed the following quest(s):
A Final Test
This quest opens access to following quests:
Calling the Thunder


Start NPC: Community Center Manager Olivian
Quest stages:
Use the Water Quality Test to check the well at the public farm in Lavis.Talk to Olivian, the Community Center Manager in Lavis.Use the Water Quality Test to check the well at the public farm in Lavis.
End NPC: Community Center Manager Olivian
Quest text:
Community Center Manager Olivian: Another benefit to the Farm Wagon is it can be used to water multiple plants at once using a special spray nozzle at the front. But when you're using it, you have to be sure the water is safe!
Community Center Manager Olivian: Polluted water is useless for helping crops. That's why the Blue Salt Brotherhood regularly checks wells to ensure they're still safe to use.
Community Center Manager Olivian: Could you take this Water Quality Test booklet, and check for any signs of pollution at the well in the public farm?
Community Center Manager Olivian: Hmm... these results look good. That's a relief.
Level: 42
Repeat count: 1

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