ID: 8795
icon Rice Seed Delivery
Category: Blue Salt Brotherhood

You can only receive this quest when you have completed the following quest(s):
The Merchant's Way
This quest opens access to following quests:
Guarding the Fields

  • XP 2981
  • Coins silver16bronze19

Start NPC: Kendrick
Quest stages:
Purchase Rice Seed from the Seed and Sapling Merchant and deliver them to Caretaker Gibson outside Dorothy's Farm.Talk to Caretaker Gibson outside Dorothy's Farm.
End NPC: Caretaker Gibson
Quest text:
Kendrick: I sell several kinds of seeds and saplings that you can buy with gold.
Kendrick: Seeds grow faster if you water them. Saplings grow well without care.
Kendrick: Bellas asked you to pick up some Rice for Caretaker Gibson, right? That's simple enough. I'd be happy to sell you some.
Caretaker Gibson: Ah, is that the Rice I wanted? I haven't seen you around before. You must be a new recruit.
Caretaker Gibson: I may grumble a bit, but those Blue Salt folks are some of the best merchants and artisans on Nuia. You stick by them, and you'll be a master of your chosen trade in no time!
Level: 33
Repeat count: 1

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