ID: 9240
icon Serpent Horrors
Category: Eastern Hiram Mountains

You can only receive this quest when you have completed the following quest(s):
Tracking the Scouts
This quest opens access to following quests:
Signs of Corruption

  • XP 100700
  • Coins silver53bronze00

Start NPC: Wounded Scout
Quest stages:
Defeat some of the members of the Abyssal Legion or Abomniations in the area, and collect the Corrupted Haradium Shards they leave behind.Return to the Wounded Scout and show him the shards you found.
End NPC: 0
Quest text:
Wounded Scout: My group is part of the Advance Party tasked with foraging lumber, and while we were prepared to fight off any animals that roam in this area, we didn't exepct these vile Abominations to be in the Frozen Highlands too.
Wounded Scout: The Abominations here seem to be even stronger, than the ones we saw in the Western Hiram Mountains. This is very troubling news to find and we must know more about them. I noticed they had some odd crystal looking growths.
Wounded Scout: Player if you're feeling strong enough for the task, could you perhaps investigate the Abyssal Legion and Abominations in this area? If they find our camp in the Hall of Warriors, we must be prepared to fight them.
Wounded Scout: What did you find? Huh? These shards fell off their bodies after you defeated them? Those are exactly the ones I saw too.
Wounded Scout: Something is not right about this. What in the world is going on in the Eastern Hiram Mountains?
Level: 65
Repeat count: 1

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