ID: 9934
icon Infiltrating the Castle
Category: The King's Dream

You can only receive this quest when you have completed the following quest(s):
Woodhenge Crematorium
This quest opens access to following quests:
Rescue Mission

  • XP 82536
  • Coins silver37bronze28

Start NPC: Crematorium Soul
Quest stages:
Sneak into the Woodhenge Castle and search for the prisoners.
Quest completes automatically
Quest text:
Crematorium Soul: I was from Lacton, you know. I came to Hellswamp to join the Trieste Theater and was so happy to become a famous actress. It wasn't long until one of the Lost Gods cultist took me as prisoner though.
Crematorium Soul: I know the others would have come to my aid, but the Woodhenge Castle is too dangerous for mere theater people to face and so... I was tortured and kept as a sacrifice to their Gods.
Crematorium Soul: Those murderous fanatics used me as a vessel for their barbaric rituals, until my body eventually couldn't take it anymore.
Crematorium Soul: Those people you are looking for are facing the same fate, but they are not dead yet. When the Lost Gods Scouts stopped by last night, I overheard them talking about 3 prisoners.
Crematorium Soul: I pray to Nui that you can find them and get them to safety before it's too late. Prisoners are usually kept on the second floor of the castle.
Lucarre: Pssst! Over here! Help!
Level: 55
Repeat count: 1

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Hellosmile 19-10-2020 02:01


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