ID: 9935
icon Rescue Mission
Category: The King's Dream

You can only receive this quest when you have completed the following quest(s):
Infiltrating the Castle
This quest opens access to following quests:
Teleportation Necklace

  • XP 82536
  • Coins silver37bronze28

Start NPC: Lucarre
Quest stages:
Use the Woodhenge Prisoner Key to release Lucarre from his shackles.
  • Free Lucarre, Tynem and Clovia (1)
Defeat the Lost Gods Guards in the Woodhenge Castle to obtain the Woodhenge Prisoner Key.
Quest completes automatically
Quest text:
Lucarre: Thank the Gods you are here! Were you sent by the Children of Ipnya? They must have been worrying about us, since we stopped reporting back.
Lucarre: But no time for formalities right now. Please get the Woodhenge Prisoner Key from the Lost Gods Guards downstairs and free us!
Lucarre: Thank you, friend. I apologize for rushing you earlier, but we've been tied up here for days now. My name is Lucarre and we're with the Children of Ipnya. What is your name?
Level: 55
Repeat count: 1

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Hellosmile 19-10-2020 02:02


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