ID: 6699
icon An Emergency Meeting
Category: [Race Quest] Crimson Watch

You can only receive this quest when you have completed the following quest(s):
A Suspicious Death
This quest opens access to following quests:
A Mysterious Ally


Start NPC: Secretary Ventinum
Quest stages:
Meet with Council Member Aporia in Sun's End, Halcyona.
End NPC: Gatekeeper Chester
Quest text:
Secretary Ventinum: Look, you know how tradesmen love to gossip. We'd appreciate it if you didn't spread rumors like that around Nuia. But I do understand why the guild members are upset.
Secretary Ventinum: By guild rules, the Brotherhood's shipping contracts are all on hold until the Blue Salt Council can elect a new acting manager. This means you and your Crimson Watch friends may have to wait quite a while, I'm afraid.
Secretary Ventinum: Hmm... There is one person who might still be able to help you. Sir Aporia is a senior member of the Council, and his relation to the wealthy Skandas merchant family gives him quite a bit of influence.
Secretary Ventinum: If you can find his home in Sun's End and speak to him, perhaps you can convince him to hold an emergency meeting of the Council to approve more funding for the Crimson Watch. It's worth a shot, at least!
Gatekeeper Chester: I don't care if you're the king of Two Crowns himself. Sir Aporia is resting, and does not wish to be disturbed. If you want to see him you'll have to come back later.
Level: 52
Repeat count: 1

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