ID: 6707
icon Primary Suspects
Category: [Race Quest] Crimson Watch

You can only receive this quest when you have completed the following quest(s):
The Captain's Doubts
This quest opens access to following quests:
Tracking the Traitor


Start NPC: Scout Captain Camaro
Quest stages:
Talk to the Scouts in the Crimson Watch Camp in the Golden Ruins.Return to Camaro in Crimson Watch Camp.
End NPC: Scout Captain Camaro
Quest text:
Scout Captain Camaro: There are only two scouts left who we haven't spoken to, and they're out on long patrol.
Scout Captain Camaro: Come to think of it, both those boys are new to my regiment. And their long patrol mission would give them more than enough time to intercept Livek without raising suspicion.
Scout Captain Camaro: Could you do me a favor, and ask around for any information you can find on a pair of scouts named Alcanto and Sebath? I have a feeling they're not your average recruits.
Scout Kamu: He came to us from the Blue Salt Brotherhood. Has a good head for business, and always seems to have a deal or two going on in camp. Why, is he in trouble?
Scout Kamu: Alcanto? Yeah I talked with him a few times.
Scout Captain Camaro: Both Alcanto and Sebath have ties to the Blue Salt Brotherhood?
Scout Captain Camaro: Damn. Well if what you've learned about the Brotherhood is true, one or both of them could be secretly working for the Aust Followers.
Scout Captain Camaro: Traitors in my own regiment. I can't believe we've come to this.
Scout Yumion: Alcanto and Sebath?
Scout Yumion: No, sorry. I never saw them except during training. Do you think they're behind Livek's disappearance?
Scout Urla: Back again? What is it this time?
Scout Urla: Scout Sebath? Yeah, I went on patrol with him a while back. Used to be in the Blue Salt Brotherhood, if I remember correctly. Decent swordsman, too! He held his own against the Crimson Army when we ran into trouble.
Level: 53
Repeat count: 1

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